Last week Nick and I attended a party with his new squardron here in Japan, called a "Hail and Fairwell." This is where they say hello to someone new, and goodbye to whoever is leaving. For us it was nice because we got to meet a lot of new people who we had not had the chance to meet yet!
One of the downsides of being in Japan is that Nick will deploy quite frequently. Because the men (and women) are deployed a lot, several of our friends were gone when we arrived in Japan. The ship briefly came back and we were able to see some of our guy friends this last week.
Sarah has been here to keep me company, but Johnny was only in town for a few days. :( Luckily we were able to meet them and another friend for sushi!
Not sick of the sushi yet...however, I did get sick from eating it, but not sick of eating it! In fact, the day after I got sick, I went out and ate it again!!! Haha! "Ain't nothing gonna slow me down..."
I am not a beer drinker at ALL, but I had to toast one with our friends...we are so glad they are here with us for the next 3 years!!!
At this sushi experience in particular, Nick tried raw horse for the first time! I thought this was disgusting and yet sad... I refuse to eat an animal that I consider a pet!!!
Friday I went to lunch with my new Japanese friend Eriko! (like Erica, a popular name in the States, but with ko at the end. Ko is very commonly used at the end of girls names in Japan, it means young daughter.) I met her the first week we moved here. Her husband is in the military but she was born and raised here in Japan. She just got married and is new to the military, I am new to Japan, so we clicked. It was nice to be able to go eat at a Japanese restaurant and have someone who can fluently speak both languages to be a translator for me! She was able to tell me what everything was on the menu!
This meal included a hot soup that had salad in it (definitely different), curry, bread and a cold salad. Most of it was good, but I would have had no clue what to order had she not been with me!
The drink menu was all in Kanji so Eriko told me which one was the green tea...however there were 2 different green teas, one that she said was the "American style" and another that was made with rice. She told me to try the green tea with rice, so I did. Again, it was different but I liked it....definitely could taste the rice!
One thing I will note: In Japan, they do not put any sweetener in their tea...for some people this may be no big deal, but in Texas we "dixi-fy" our tea by putting a cup of sugar in every glass! (haha...but seriously) I do like my tea sweet, but have had to get used to drinking tea without it here in Japan!
After Eriko and I ate lunch we walked by a Starbucks. Now, I know that they are everywhere in the States, but I had not seen one yet in the 3 weeks that we have been here. Needless to say, when I saw it I had to get something! It was like a little piece of home!
Eriko thought I was funny for taking pictures of everything, but she was a good sport about it! "Starbucks in Japan" I said, "I just have to get a picture!"
Brittany you're a great little blogger ! Enjoy the updates, I just wrote Kacie to tell her the Italian food was going to be more to my liking than Japanese. Would you have believed you would be living in Japan and Kacie in Italy?..........I never thought Kacie would leave Orange Congrats on the new job, that really sounds interesting and fun ~ that dosen't happen often at work