Though it's December, the Autumn leaves are still hanging from the trees. I am in love with this absolute favorite thing about Japan...the AMAZING colors of the fall leaves! (Of course, due to the evacuation last year I did not get to witness the famous cherry blossoms, so when this year I finally get to experience them, I might just change my mind and make them my favorite!)
Picture taken just yesterday during a run with Beretta in the park by our house
With all the gorgeous leaves and beautiful sunshine still popping it's head out, it wasn't hard for Nick and I to train for the 27k we signed up for. The race, which took place 3 weeks ago, was the farthest Nick and I had ever ran. Almost 17 miles altogether, it was a big accomplishment for the both of us. (We have each ran a couple 1/2 marathons, which are 13.2 miles...this race however was stepping up our milage just a bit!)

The race setting was around Lake Kawaguchi, which is near Mt. Fuji. We knew running around a lake in November, next to Fuji would be beautiful...but we didn't expect to get such gorgeous weather in late Autumn.
We were extremely lucky and had an exceptionally clear day, meaning we had the best view of Fuji we could have ever hoped for! In the year and a half we have been here I have never seen Fuji as beautiful as it was that day! (Not so sunny that it was hot, but yet not cloudy, thus blocking our view like many days before and after the race!)
It was motivation to keep running... which Nick and I did, holding hands as we crossed the finish line.
It was our first race in Japan, so we didn't know what to expect...but just like races in the States, there were all the crazy running enthusiasts dressed up in costume.
A few of our friends also ran the race, and we all decided to drive up to Fuji a day early and spend the night.
We stayed at a quaint little Bed and Breakfast near the lake. The B&B was called "Dog Land Someday" and like the title implies, welcomed all dogs.
The owner was disappointed that we didn't bring Beretta...they even had her a name card made at the table in case we had decided to bring her.
(With us running the following day for several hours, we didn't feel right about leaving her there all that time, despite the owner being totally ok with it!) Everything was doggy-themed...everything! As dog lovers ourselves this was perfectly fine! Our door handle to our room was even in the shape of a dog's tail!

With pooches at our feet, we all enjoyed a delightful feast the night before the more perk to staying at the B&B...the owner's wife was a fabulous cook!
The race was the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend...which means that Thursday on thanksgiving, we didn't feel bad about eating too much turkey and dressing! We did just that, feasting on every kind of meat, side and dessert at the fabulous New Sanno in Tokyo!

There were 10 (9 adults, one baby) of us who all met up in Tokyo to celebrate our American holiday away from home! The New Sanno is a military hotel on the outskirts of Tokyo. They host several dinners a year for various occasions and holidays. Last year the men were all deployed, so a few of us girls decided instead of being depressed about missing our hubbies, we would forgo the holiday cooking and make a reservation at the New Sanno instead. It was so tasty that we opted to do it again this year! Skipping the hassle of cooking and dishes....yes please!?! (Especially since we don't have dishwashers here!!!)
It was yet again a wonderful Thanksgiving...followed by a long run to burn off those extra calories!
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