I am soooooo in love! My sister’s baby is the most precious thing I have ever seen, and on top of that, she is incredibly sweet! It has been such a blessing being able to spend time with this new little addition to our family. I have held her as much as I was allowed to (yes, for some reason, I had to share!!!) and showered her with kisses almost every second! Her skin is soft and fresh, her scent is sweet, and even her little cry is cute…
I just love babies; they are one of God’s precious blessings! I know she isn’t mine, but yes, I have already asked if I could have her! (Ironically my sister said no!) Being her aunt will have to be enough for now!
Funny story I have to share… The other day I was changing Sloane out of her nightgown and into her day clothes. (Of course clothes are my obsession and playing dress-up is a favorite past time of mine, so it is not surprising that I love dressing the little Diva up! And let me tell you, since she already has so much hair, I have put a bow in her hair every day!) As I was changing her, something fell on the ground with a thud. I looked down and noticed it was her umbilical cord! Of course I ran in the other room (with Sloane in my arms no less) and told my sister who was in the shower getting ready. I informed her I would put it on top of her dresser, and that’s where I left it. On a side note, the nurse had closed a clamp around the end of the cord before it was cut and forgot to take it off. None of us could get the clamp open, so it stayed on the end of the cord. So when my sister comes in the room tonight and asks me where I put the piece of the umbilical cord that was attached to the clamp, I was curious what she was talking about! Apparently, her dog Lilly (a weimaraner) got up on the dresser, opened the clamp (even though none of us could) and ate the cord, leaving the clamp on the floor by her bed! DISGUSTING!!! We all laughed so hard and Lilly just looked at us like we were crazy! EWWW!
Here some photos of the "Little Diva"....enjoy: