Christmas came and went as well and like Thanksgiving, Nick and I spent the holidays apart. Because this was our last Christmas in the states before the BIG move, we decided (or actually our parents decided for us) that spending the holidays with each of our families was probably the most fair. Therefore, Nick was in Cali and I in Texas for Christmas. Spending time with each of our families was a blessing, and something that we would have liked more of. Then we were able to spend New Year’s Eve in Dallas with a group of our college friends, a reunion that was much over-due!

The New Year began and we both took off at full-speed...Nick has been busy studying and flying and I have not had time to stop with work, school and doing my teacher intern. The months are passing and preparations for Japan have begun.
Despite my hectic schedule, I have been making time (as in loosing sleep) to run. I am training for another ½ marathon that I will be running in early March! Also, my sister is due any minute and Nick and I soon will be an aunt and uncle! So excited!