Happy Halloween! Beretta getting her costume on....not really liking it! Kinda mean, torturing our dog to wear a costume, but oh well, it only happens once a year!
Nick and I hadn't dressed up in a couple of years, and due to both of our busy schedules, we had to put together costumes at the last minute. Here's what Nick came up with...
Octo-mom and her paparazzi! Pappa Pappa Razzi!
Where the Wild Things Are!!! Such awesome costumes!
Baaaretta! Such a Lady!
Todd and Stacey, Sexy Teacher and a Red Neck!
Nick just wanted to carry his knife...boys and their toys!
Laughing at ourselves...it's what we do!
(It looks like she is hitting my babies with that ruler)
Please....No More Photos!
Loved it...Snow Girl and her Shadow
The shadow's kinda creepy!