Our little bundle of joy came early! He was born 2 weeks before his due date, at 38 weeks. We were a little surprised by his early arrival, but so glad he is here!
Heading to the hospital... Last picture as a family of 3!
Several hours later....
Huxton Thomas Holman
Huxton Thomas Holman
arrived on July 9th, 2014
at 2:51am
He weighed 8 pounds, 14.7 ounces and was 22 inches long
Our wonderful friends Judy and Dave Farrell as well as Lindsey Magno, tag-team watched Vander while Nick and I were at the hospital.
Here is Big brother just before leaving the house to go to the hospital and meet his new baby Huxton! He was very excited :)
Here is Big brother just before leaving the house to go to the hospital and meet his new baby Huxton! He was very excited :)
Nana had to change her flight, but she made it to San Diego just hours after Hux was born :)
Miss Lindsey, our AMAZING friend, graciously picked Nana up from the airport and brought her and Van to the hospital
Home Sweet Home!
Only a couple days later, Pops arrived!
Van and Hux love their Nana and Pops :)
A week after Hux was born, we took "Newborn Photos" with the talented Megan Sokolowski of A Beautiful Moment Photography.